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“Nofence will be absolutely ideal for people to have a herd of cattle up on a mountain and to be able to know and control where they are."
- Eoghan Daltun,  farmer in West Cork

From worry to peace: Managing livestock and nature with Nofence

In the rugged landscapes of Ireland, where traditional farming meets modern innovation, Eoghan stands out as a trailblazer. With a small herd of Dexter cattle and a commitment to biodiversity, Eoghan’s adoption of Nofence’s virtual fences has transformed his farming practices, ensuring better control, safety, and environmental stewardship.

From challenges to solutions

Eoghan manages about 40 acres of commonage and 33 acres of private ground in the very south of Ireland, where his hardy Dexter cattle roam. Before discovering Nofence, difficulties with traditional fences led to frequent issues. "The cows were regularly going over into another commonage where a neighbour had cattle. If his bull got at my cows, it would have really serious implications," Eoghan recalls.

A call from a neighbor that his cattle had wandered into their land could come at any time, which was particularly stressful for Eoghan when his professional commitments took him traveling to other parts of the country. Unable to manage his cattle remotely, to be in two places at once, Eoghan couldn’t relax.

"Getting the cattle collars was a real godsend because it meant that I have total control over where they go and I have peace of mind because I can see where they are at all times."

Discovering Nofence - supporting flexibility and giving peace of mind 

The solution came when Eoghan learned about Nofence through a combination of online research and recommendations from an ecologist friend involved in a rewilding project. After a reassuring conversation with another Nofence user, Eoghan decided to invest in the collars.

The introduction of Nofence collars marked a turning point. "Getting the cattle collars was a real godsend because it meant that I have total control over where they go and I have peace of mind because I can see where they are at all times," Eoghan explains. He can now manage and monitor his cattle from anywhere!


Supporting biodiversity and rewilding

Eoghan’s farm is not just about cattle; it's a testament to his dedication to nature and biodiversity. While rewilding is primarily done on his private land, the Nofence collars provide a way to manage herbivore access to different zones, supporting his conservation goals. Eoghan is particularly proud of his Dexter cattle, noting, "Dexters are a native breed from the southwest of Ireland... well capable of living in situations that normally would be reserved for sheep."

A Game-Changer for Irish Farming
Eoghan envisions a significant shift in Irish farming towards more nature-friendly practices, where Nofence can play a crucial role. He believes that "rewilding and other forms of more nature-friendly land use are going to really start to take off in Ireland.” In Ireland, where grazing cattle on rocky terrain is common and many who keep cattle, like Eoghan, have other commitments, he believes

“Nofence will be absolutely ideal for people to have a herd of cattle up on a mountain and to be able to know where they are and to control where they are."

Eoghan’s experience with Nofence highlights the system’s transformative impact on livestock management, blending technology with traditional farming values. His story serves as inspiration for other farmers looking to innovate and enhance their practices while staying true to the land and its natural heritage.

"It's a really fantastic system and I would wholeheartedly recommend it. Unreservedly."